~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission. -- " An Almond All Alone " We received this fun book in the mail last week and had to make it part of our story time. My son love the color and graphics. It's a nice story about an almond that was looked down on because of his physical appearance, which lead him to having no self confidence. He didn't think he can do anything great until he met a nut just like him. A friend. Someone that believed in him. showed him that anyone, no matter their challenge, can be great and achieve great things if they look past their flaws and put their mind to it, if they think outside the box. He did not just encourage him, he worked with him so they can both achieve their goal. Sometimes in life, we need a friend to encourage and help us get to where we want to be. Here are a few pics of my son trying t...