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Showing posts from 2019

Outdoor Science Experiment | Exploding Colors | Homeschool | Lifewithme3

Experimenting with chemicals and learning what will happen when they're mixed. Added some colors to make it even better. ~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission.

9/11 Mini Lesson | US History | Homeschool | LIfewithme3

Do you teach your young children about the September 11th 2001 event? Why/Why not? I did a mini lesson with my son this year, but he was very curious so our lesson ended up getting extended after. I try not to shut him off when he asks questions. I explained as much as I knew to him, watched videos and had discussions. ~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission.

Home Made Playdough | Lifewithme3

Play dough is one of his favorite thing to make! He absolutely enjoys it, so we do it often. It's super easy to make. It lasts very long if you store it in an airtight container. Everything you need should already be in your pantry. WHAT YOU NEED: 2 Cups flour, 1 Cup salt, 2 Tablespoons of oil, 2 Teaspoons of cream of tartar, 2 Cups Water and Food coloring. WHAT TO DO: Mix flour, salt and cream of tartar in a saucepan, add oil and water. Mix all ingredients together. Place on medium heat. continue mixing until a dough is formed. Let the dough cool, then add food coloring to make color of your choice. *For No Cook version, simply remove cream of tarter and oil. Mix dough in a bowl.

Home Made Butter | DIY BUTTER | Lifewithme3

Home Made Butter A Fun project to do with your children 🙂 .. I always include something fun, engaging and hands on, when doing my lessons. Keeps my son’ interest. We did this in the fall. simply pour some whole milk or heavy cream in a mason jar, seal and shake. fat Will separate from the liquid. Drain and you have creamy butter. Add salt if you wish. the Liquid left back is called butter milk 🙂 .. use it in your favorite recipes that calls for it.. 🙂 .. ~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission. ~~~~~~~~~~

Science - Making a Volcano | LIfewithme3 | Home School

Making a Volcano using Acid and Base (Vinegar and Baking Soda). Lots of fun doing this :) ~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission.