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Showing posts from July, 2020

Week 2 Art/STEM project | Homeschool | Fun | Lifewithme3

~ WEEK 2 - July 29-31 ~ "SHAPES ALIVE" - Part 1 *Example* Children will draw shapes to create Art. Draw Flat shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval,etc...) Give the shapes eyes and a mouth. Give it hands and legs. Draw hair if you wish. Add accessories if you wish (hats, glasses,..) Color the shapes. Be creative. Encourage them to be creative, let them use their imagination. Child can free hand or use rulers. PART 2: Create a dialogue/conv ersation between the shapes. MATERIALS: Colored pencils or crayon and White paper. "It's not about being perfect, it's about expressing yourself and having fun doing it." *Post photos in the comments* Some from participants on in our Facebook Group: ~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission.

Free Health Curriculum | HomeSchool | Lifewithme3

One of the things I love doing is searching for free activities for our lessons. Free is always good. Homeschooling does not have to cost you hundreds of dollars, you can do it completely free if you wish. In my search I came upon this wonderful free health curriculum from Miniature Masterminds . Perfect for what we will be studying. check them out to grab your copy. ~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission.

Week 1 Art/STEM project | Homeschool | Art | Lifewithme3

WEEK 1 - July 22-24 "Lines of a kind" Our first weekly activity will be simple. Very simple so we can start getting in the groove of things 🙂 Children will work with lines to create Art. Draw vertical lines, Horizontal lines, Diagonal lines. Draw some lines thick , some thin , some solid and some broken . Some wavy, curved and some zigzag Color between the lines. Be creative. Encourage them to be creative, let them use their imagination. Child can free hand or use rulers. MATERIALS: Colored pencils or markers or paint or crayon and White paper. "It's not about being perfect, it's about expressing yourself and having fun doing it." Share your child's work here in the comments or in our facebook group. Wonderful work from some of our participants ~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission.

Best Rain Gear Ever | Kidorable Inc | Lifewithme3

So, Mitri was selected as Brand Ambassador for Kidorable Inc. and.....  ....It was one of his favorite gig. He loves that rain set and get a lot of comments on it when we're out. They are really strong and durable. He has had it for 2yrs now and still in perfect condition. If your'e looking for beautiful designed and durable rain set for your child, these are the best. worth the price! ~~~~~~~~~~ All photos posted here are property of Life with Me3. Photos copyrighted to Portraits by Alinda. DO not use any content without written permission.